La ricerca, partita nel 2014, si occupa di implementare le capacità relative alla mimesis,a lal gestione della scena e il saper mettere in atto una composizione istantanea, negli insegnanti di matematica.
Qui potete visionare alcune immagini delle diapositive presentate

Qui si può leggere l'abstract del lavoro:
The aim of this research is to cope with the expression challenge regarding the embodiment of mathematical ideas in primary teachers´ professional activity in the classroom. Our guess was that 20th century´s approaches and technical contributions to actors and dancers training by Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), Émile-Jacques Delcroze (1865-1950) and Eugenio Barba (b. 1936) could be applied to the design of a specific math teachers dramatizing training (Laban 1948, 1971, Dalcroze 1921, Barba 1991). Starting in late 2012, theoretical research has been carried on along with the design, implementation and assessment of workshops with pre-service students (degree in Primary Education) and with in-service teachers. We discuss the theoretical framework, regarding 20th performance training, together with relevant mentions of the role of stage presence in the teaching of mathematics by two mathematicians and outstanding scholars in mathematics education, the Italian
Federigo Enriques (1871-1946)
and the Hungarian born American George Polya (1887-1985). The pedagogical aspects of mimesis, ´´a link between what is expressed and what really is´´ (Scaramuzzo 2010, 2013, 2016) were also considered, regarding both mathematics teachers education and professional development and pupil´s learning of mathematics in preschool and primary school. We then considered the structure of 3-4 hours sessions and 16 hours workshops; the different exercises, regarding sight, motion in the space (the classroom); the accompanying writing (personal notebooks or zibaldoni). We discussed our qualitative methodology in assessment (Van Manen 1990), the main results, and future research perspectives.
APLIMAT 2019 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics February 5 - 7, 2019 Institute of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is our pleasure to welcome You to attend
the 18th International Conference on Applied Mathematics APLIMAT 2019
held on February 5 - 7, 2019 under auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD.
the 18th International Conference on Applied Mathematics APLIMAT 2019
held on February 5 - 7, 2019 under auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD.
Conference is next in the series of 17 successful conferences on applied mathematics
originated by the former Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in 2002.
Main objective of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics is to continue in providing possibility for all interested participants in applied mathematics to present their scientific results on international forum, to enable informal discussions among colleagues on common issues and problems, and to initiate cooperation to find their innovative solutions in constructive dialogue between mathematicians and specialists from other scientific and engineering disciplines utilizing methods of applied mathematics.
Main objective of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics is to continue in providing possibility for all interested participants in applied mathematics to present their scientific results on international forum, to enable informal discussions among colleagues on common issues and problems, and to initiate cooperation to find their innovative solutions in constructive dialogue between mathematicians and specialists from other scientific and engineering disciplines utilizing methods of applied mathematics.

Conference languages: Slovak, Czech, English.
Participation at the conference is subdued to
on-line registration using electronic registration
form available at the conference webpage
in the menu item Registration.
We are looking forward to Your participation
and Your valuable presentations.
Aplimat proceedings published electronically
on USB Flash are registered in the
SCOPUS database.
Participation at the conference is subdued to
on-line registration using electronic registration
form available at the conference webpage
in the menu item Registration.
We are looking forward to Your participation
and Your valuable presentations.
Aplimat proceedings published electronically
on USB Flash are registered in the
SCOPUS database.